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...Though it is underground, the new food court is bright and airy; down its centre run long white communal tables. Next to me sat Daniel Ordibehesht, 23, eating Urban Herbivore’s curry, a dish he enjoyed at its original location in Kensington. When I said that I liked the décor, Mr. Ordibehesht laughed.
“This is like a cattle mart feeding place,” he said. “I feel like it’s feeding time at the zoo.”
Indeed, in this vast space the din is forbidding. But civilization has taken a leap forward here. Specifically, there are no garbage cans at this food court. Diners bring their trays to uniformed women at expansive white counters I would call “lunch tray triage stations.”
I watched one of these workers dump fries into a food scraps bin and the box in the trash. She put cans and plastic bottles in a blue bin and stacked the melamine bowls, plates, glasses and steel cutlery and trays on a rolling cart, to go to the kitchen for washing and reuse.
Nearby is a hand-washing station: a sink, soap dispenser and paper towel dispenser, all motion-activated.
All told, a nice place to lunch, where you can feel good about yourself. Wear a jacket; even a jaunty hat will not be out of place.