The cock of Barcelos (Galo de Barcelos)
The rooster (galo) is possibly the most brightly coloured and significant unofficial symbols in Portugal, if you are visiting in a tourist nature.
Barcelos is a town in Northern Portugal, from which the story emanates. The story, which s apparently as old as the hills and has no true source tells the story of justice being served.
A nobleman, living in Barcelos, on finding his Silver cutlery stolen, accuses one of his houses guests. The guest is then dragged through the market to the local court to be tried, inspite of the overwhelming evidence to man's innocence.
The magistrate at the court, sees the man accused, the apparent innocence of the man held up in court and provides him with one last opportunity to prove his case.
As legend tells it the accused spied a cock (galo) in a basket and said: 'If I am innocent, let the cock crow.'
Crow the cock did and the man was released without charge. This is the simple story of the Cock of Barcelos.